Parallel activities

Collecting Photography in the 21th Century

Workshop on Models and Experiences Related to Photography Collecting

Museo Amparo, Puebla

Free of charge

Museo Amparo
2 Sur 708, Centro Histórico, Puebla, Pue., México 72000
T.: +52 (222) 229 3850
f MuseoAmparo.Puebla
t @MuseoAmparo

☞ Program ☟ Participants

Allen Blevins
(Estados Unidos)

He holds a Master’s degree from Cameron School of Business, University of North Carolina. In 1988 he joined the Bank of America, and there he has held different positions since then. Currently he is the director of arts and culture programs: Art in our Communities, Art Conservation Project and Museums on Us. Also as director of the Bank of America art and heritage collections, he is the director of the corporate historical archives and the corporate art collection.

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Sylvia Navarrete

She holds a Master's degree in Modern Literature and a PhD in General and Comparative Literature, both from the Sorbonne in Paris. Member of the Mexican Committee for the History of Art from UNAM and of the Board of Trustees of Contemporary Art, A.C. She has curated exhibitions of modern and contemporary art in Mexico, and has published several books on these issues. She has exercised art criticism independently in newspapers, magazines and specialized publications. Since 2013, she directs the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico City.

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Carlos Gollonet

Curator and editor. He holds a degree in Art History from the Universidad de Granada, Spain. Since early 1990s he has curated over twenty exhibitions. As an editor he has managed the books from Diputación de Granada and the Maestros de la Fotográfica collection from TF Editores. He has published on photography in books and journals. Currently he is chief photography curator of the Fundación MAPFRE. He has curated Portraits. Photography Fundación Mapfre Collection exhibition which is shown in the Foto México Festival.

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Judith Keller
(Estados Unidos)

Art Historian. She holds a Master degree in Museum Practice from the University of Michigan. She has published several books and exhibitions catalogues on photography, as well as articles and texts. Also he has curated a large number of exhibitions on modern art, drawings and photography. She is member of College Art Association and member of Print Council of America. In 2010 she became Senior Curator of Photographs at the The J. Paul Getty Museum.

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Mercedes García Ocejo

She studied journalism in the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico, and in the Journalism Training Center, France. She was a correspondent for CNN in Spanish and she hosted culture tv programs for Conaculta and Channel 22. She has worked for Mexican newspapers and journals, and also for TV programs in Mexico as a reporter, host and producer. She is a founding member and counselor of the Research Center for Women in Senior Management at the IPADE. In 2001 she became the director of Fomento Cultural Grupo Salinas.

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Rosa Casanova

She is an Art historian. That has studied the cultural and artistic processes from the nineteenth and early twentieth century in Mexico. She was the director of the Sistema Nacional de Fototecas of INAH (1998-2005), and has promoted the conservation and cataloging of files; she has worked as a teacher, editor and curator; and has published numerous texts and books. She is part of the Mexican Memory Committee of the World of UNESCO. She is currently a research professor at INAH and head of the office of Historical Studies.

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Jorge Carretero Madrid

Founder and director of Fototeca Antica. He has a PhD in Linguistics and Literature from El Colegio de México. As curator, he has presented a dozen exhibitions from the archives of this photo library. In 2012 he published Prisionero de guerra del imperio francés, a book about the experiences of the Mexican military Cosme Varela. He’s been awarded the Creative and Artistic Development Grant of the State of Puebla in 2010, and the Fonca grant in 2015. He’s an art dealer, writer, editor and producer of audiovisual programs.

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Pepe Font de Mora

He was the founder and director of the Fotogalería Railowsky in Valencia, Spain (1985-2001). He has curated several exhibitions, including: Resonances [Brassaï/Colom] (2003), Private Lives (2004), Strange Couples (2006), From Within (2013) and Photobooks. Here and Now (2014). Currently he is the director of the Fundación Foto Colectania in Barcelona, where he also manages the acquisitions and collection.

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Mauricio Maillé

Director of Visual Arts of Fundación Televisa. As part of the projects he leads, he has created a publishing program that shows the research and curatorial work carried out around the photographic field. He has established partnerships with important national and global cultural institutions, consolidating the position of the photographic collections he´s in charge of as one of the most important in Latin American. As museographer he has designed more than 50 exhibitions and collaborated in the creation of new museums and cultural spaces.

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Laura González Flores

Photographer and researcher on subjects related to photography. She holds a Ph.D. in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona. Since 1994, she is a member of the National Research System and since then she has led many researching groups on history, theory and photography education. She has published a large number of books and essays. Currently she is full researcher at the Institute for Aesthetic Research, UNAM and also professor in the Art History post-graduate.

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Pablo Ortiz Monasterio

Photographer, editor and curator. He studied Economics at the UNAM and Photography at the London College of Printing. He was the director of three edition projects: México indígena, Río de Luz and the magazine Luna Córnea. He is co-founder of Consejo Mexicano de fotografía and also founder of the Centro de la Imagen. Since 1994 he is member of Sistema Nacional de Creadores. His photographic work has been published in over ten books, and has been shown in various exhibitions in Mexico and througout the world. Currently he coordinates the collection of books Círculo de Arte.

Mónica López Velarde Estrada

She’s an Art critic and curator. She was Deputy Director of Exhibition at the Museo Nacional de Arte and National Coordinator of Fine Arts at INBA. She is a doctoral candidate in Art History at UNAM. She holds a BA in Communications from the Universidad Iberoamericana as well as in Human Sciences from Claustro de Sor Juana. She earned her Master's degree in Humanities at Anahuac University and one more in Psychoanalytic Theory. She also holds a Master’s degree in Art History at the UNAM. She is currently curator of the Museo Soumaya.

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Horacio Fernández

He has a PhD in Art History. He has been professor at the Facultad de Bella Artes de Cuenca, Spain, and also an art critic. He was the general curator of PhotoEspaña festival (2004-2005). He has written several texts about the history of photography, photobooks and visual contemporary art. As a curator he has participated in various exhibitions in Spain and throughout the world. In 2011 his book The Latin American Photobook was published by four international publishing houses, and it received the award for the best historical book at the Recontres d’ Arles 2012.

Duncan Forbes
(Reino Unido)

Director and curator of the Fotomuseum Winterhur. He was previously Senior Curator of Photography at the National Galleries of Scotland. His recent curatorial and publishing projects include Beastly/ TierischManifeste! Eine andere Geschichte der FotografieEdith Tudor-Hart: In the Shadow of Tyranny. He has published on photography in numerous journals. He is currently researching Japanese protest photobooks and preparing an exhibition for 2017 titled The Hobbyist.

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Itala Schmelz

She studied Philosophy at the UNAM. She was director of Sala de Arte Público Siqueiros (2001-2007), and director of the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil (2007-2011). Since 2004, she is a member of Curare, a critical space for the arts. She was director of El Futuro más acá (2003), the first Mexican film festival of science fiction. Her essays have been included in several specialized publications. As curator she has done several projects, including Ariel Guzik’s Cordiox for the 55th edition of the Venice Biennale. She is currently the director of the Centro de la Imagen.

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Juan Mulder Panas

He studied journalism at Boston University, and specialized in photography. He is founder and president of the Centro de la Imagen in Lima, as well as the cultural space El Ojo Ajeno and the Asociación Foto e Imagen. He recently joined the Advisory Board of the International Center of Photography. Among other positions, he has served on the directive boards of the Museo de Arte de Lima and the Asociación Cultural Filarmonía.

Elena Navarro

She studied History and Art at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has a Master's degree in Museology and Technical Expository by the Antonio Camuñas Foundation. Since 2001 she has worked in the recovery of photographic archives in Mexico and Latin America as well as in organizing photographic exhibitions that have traveled through several countries. She has worked with the Aperture Foundation and Magnum Photos representing their projects in Spain and Mexico. Since 2012 she is working on the development of a digital platform for managing photographic collections.

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Juan Carlos Valdez

He studied History at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo and studied biology at the UNAM. He is a self-taught photographer, and has advised more than fifty domestic and foreign photographic archives. He has published three books on photographic conservation, five technical books and twenty scientific articles and art dissemination. With his photographic work he has participated in various exhibitions in Mexico and throughout the world. He is currently director of the Sistema Nacional de Fototecas at the Fototeca Nacional of INAH.

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Ramiro Martínez Estrada

He studied Business Administration at the Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, and the Saint Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. He was manager of Coordination and Registration of Exhibitions at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Monterrey (1997-2002), and director of the Museo Tamayo of contemporary art (2002-2009). In 2010 he became director of the Museo Amparo in Puebla.

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Vicente Guijosa

Photographer. He studied architecture at UNAM. He was a member and president of the Consejo Mexicano de Fotografía form 1988-1990. He founded and directed the Centro Cultural Clavijero form 2008-2012. In 2000 he created Fábrica de Imágenes, the first photography school in Morelia, Michoacán. He has participated in various exhibitions in and outside of Mexico, as well as numerous publications. He is currently the director of the Museo Archivo de la Fotografía in Mexico City.

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Sergio Burgi

He holds a Master of Fine Arts in Photography and one more in Photography Sciences by the Rochester Institute of Technology, both specializing in photographic conservation. He was the coordinator of the Fundación Nacional de Arte en Rio de Janeiro from 1984-1991. He is member of the photography conservation group of the Comité de Conservación del Consejo Internacional de Museos (ICOM). Since 1999 he coordinates the photography area of ​​the Instituto Moreira Salles.

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Ery Camara

Artist and art critic. Since 1975 he lives in Mexico City where he studied Furniture restoration and obtained a Master's degree in Museology. As museologist he has been the director of three major museums in Mexico. His writings have been included in numerous publications. He has advised various projects in public and private institutions, and has organized numerous exhibitions. Since 2004 he is the Coordinator of Exhibitions and Registration of Work of the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso.

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Tatyana Franck

She studied Art History and Art Law. She specializes in contemporary and modern art, and is dedicated to photography. She was director of Claude Picasso Archives in Geneva (2007-2015). As a curator she has worked in several international exhibitions. She is editor in chief of the magazine ELSE, a publication of the Musée de l'Elysée. She is member of the board of renowned cultural institutions in Switzerland, where she develops cultural policies. In 2015 she became director of the Musée de l'Elysée.

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Clark Worswick
(Estados Unidos)

He studied at the University of California, Berkeley, and at the Visva-Bharati University in India. He was a founding curator of photography at The Peabody Essex Museum in Massachusetts form 2000-2004, and advised the Canadian Centre for Architecture for the creation of their collections., He has received numerous awards for his research work. He has curated several exhibitions and published numerous books. As a photographer he has participated in various exhibitions in and outside the US. He has one of the most important collections of photography in the world.

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Magnolia de la Garza

She studied Art History in Mexico and France. She was associate curator at the Museo Tamayo de Arte Contemporáneo. In 2014 she was one of the curators of the XVI Biennial of Photography organized by the Centro de la Imagen. She has collaborated in various publications both in Mexico and abroad. She is currently director of the Isabel and Agustin Coppel Colección in Mexico.

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Devon Bella

She holds a Master of Arts in Exhibition and Museum Studies from the San Francisco Art Institute. Previously she has worked as a lead archivist in the Special Collections Department at the Getty Research Institute. She is currently the director of collections and residencies, and curator at Kadist Art Foundation.

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