Sketches and Portraits. The leaders of the Mexican Revolution

Group Show

01 de agosto, 12:00 h

11 de octubre

Rafael Doniz, Gabriel Flores, Ramón López Quiroga

Miguel Ángel Berumen

Museo Nacional de San Carlos

Puente de Alvarado 50, col. Tabacalera, del. Cuauhtémoc
Distrito Federal
T.: 8647 5800

Martes a domingos de 10:00 a 18:00 h
f Museo Nacional de San Carlos
t @museo_sancarlos

Images and photographs of key figures in Mexican history at the beginnings of the 20th century are presented in Sketches and portraits. In this exhibit photographs from this period are shown, from the private collections of Ramón López Quiroga, Rafael Doniz and Gabriel Flores, alongside visual works from different museums that create a dialogue with the photographs.

In Sketches and Portraits, the images of the leaders narrate the historical events that took place during the Mexican Revolution through photographs of Francisco Serrano with his Chiefs of Staff, the group that comprised the Convention of Aguascalientes in 1914, the members of the Antireelection Party in 1911 or Emiliano Zapata on his wedding day.  

Comprised of about 50 pieces, this exhibit aims to show the public the visual links between painting and photography at the beginnings of the 20th century, as well as to pay homage to the men that made the Mexican Revolution.

Includes: Raúl Anguiano, Leopoldo Méndez, David Alfaro Siqueiros, José Clemente Orozco, Rufino Tamayo, Dr. Atl, Joaquín Romero, Gross Succa, José Inés Tovilla, Enrique Estrada, Photo Chic, Hugo Brehme, Fred Feldman, Jesús Abitia…

Guillermo Kalho, El presidente Venustiano Carranza. Colección Gabriel Flores

Fotógrafo no identificado, General Cándido Aguilar. Colección Gabriel Flores

Fotógrafo no identificado, General Francisco Coss con su Estado Mayor. Colección Gabriel Flores

Fotógrafo no identificado, General Juan Cabral. Colección Gabriel Flores