Misplaced. Fortunate findings from the MAM collection

Group Show

A partir de:
07 de noviembre

14 de febrero de 2016

Colección Museo de Arte Moderno, Conaculta, INBA

Iñaki Herranz

Museo de Arte Moderno

Paseo de la Reforma y Gandhi s/n, Bosque de Chapultepec, del. Miguel Hidalgo
Distrito Federal
T.: 8647 5530

Martes a domingo de 10:30 a 17:30 h

f Amigos Museo de Arte Moderno
t @museoAmodernoMX
i museoartemodernomx

This exhibition aims to reveal a fortunate finding of graphic works, most of them never exhibited, rediscovered in the Center of Documentation of the Museo de Arte Moderno during the reclassification process of its photographic collection: artist books, art mail, and above all, photographs. The discovered images, some signed, others stamped, were created by artists whose names are now important in the history of Mexican photography. Among them the most significant genres are portraits and photo-essays. These discoveries are placed in context and in dialogue with the rest of the MAM photographic collection, as well as with a series of printed material and publications from the library’s special collection. Recent acquisitions of the archive will also be exhibited.

The exhibit compels us to reflect on the fluctuations of the documentary/art value, as well as rethink the dynamics of survival, safeguarding and increase of the artistic heritage in the collections of public museums.

Includes: Ernesto Álvarez, Yolanda Andrade, Enrique Bostelmann, Paulo Bruscky, Rogelio Cuéllar, Gabriel Figueroa Flores, Héctor García, Kati Horna, Graciela Iturbide, Paulina Lavista, Pablo Ortiz Monasterio, Adolfo Patiño, Walter Reuter, Benjamín Romero, Armando Salas Portugal, Ricardo Salazar…

Enrique Bostelmann, A lo frío, de la serie Estructura y biografia de un objeto, 1978. Colección Museo de Arte Moderno, Conaculta, INBA

Ernesto Álvarez, Los jugadores de mesa, 1988. Colección Museo de Arte Moderno, Conaculta, INBA

Walter Reuter, Santos Balmori. Colección Museo de Arte Moderno, Conaculta, INBA