Manuel Buen Abad & the Academia de San Carlos

Manuel Buen Abad

20 de octubre, 12:00 h

01 de noviembre

Fototeca Nacional del INAH

Patricia Massé, Daniel Escorza y Mayra Mendoza

Fototeca Nacional del INAH

Casasola s/n, Ex convento de San Francisco, col. Centro, Pachuca de Soto
T.: (771) 714 3653

Martes a domingo de 10:00 a 18:00 h
f Fototeca Nacional del INAH
t @FototecaINAH

The show features seventeen vintage photographs that exemplify the high quality of albumen prints made in Mexico in the late nineteenth century. They belong to Mexico City’s Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnografía and document some of the galleries of the old Academia de San Carlos decorated with colonial and nineteenth-century paintings. They are from the Manuel Buen Abad photography studio in Mexico City. The Spanish-born Buen Abad was awarded a bronze medal as a member of the Mexican delegation at the Paris International Exposition of 1889. He also received a prize at the Chicago Columbian Exposition in 1893. His premature death interrupted his prolific output, which focused on documenting institutional projects that showcased Mexican culture.

Buen-Abad y Cía., Vista de taller en la Academia de San Carlos, México, 1880 © 466798 Conaculta-INAH-SINAFO-FN-MX

Buen-Abad y Cía. Sala de exhibición de pintura en la Academia de San Carlos, México, ca.1880 © 466782 Conaculta-INAH-SINAFO-FN-MX

Buen-Abad y Cía. Galería en la Academia de San Carlos (vista parcial), México, ca. 1880 © 466780 Conaculta-INAH-SINAFO-FN-MX