22 de octubre, 19:00 h
13 de marzo de 2016
Centro de la Imagen, Consejo Mexicano de Fotografía
Coordinador general:
Ariel Arnal
Ariel Arnal y María De Mária Campos
Centro Cultural Universitario
Tlatelolco, UNAM
Av. Ricardo Flores Magón 1, Tlatelolco, del. Cuauhtuémoc
Distrito Federal
T.: 51172818, ext. 49646
Martes a domingo de 10:00 a 18:00 h
f CCUTlatelolco
t @ccutlatelolco
America, Lens of Solidarity deals with the social conflicts that took place in Latin America in the 1970s and beginnings of the 1980s. With more than 100 photographs, this exhibition presents the testimony of the Latin American dictatorships and the repression they entailed, as well as rebellion as an act of dignity. From the perspective of solidarity of the photographers, the images—forms of activism, denouncement, documentary and art—are accompanied by books and printed material created in the 1st and 2nd Latin American Colloquiums of Photography in 1978 and 1981. The exhibition is organized around four central themes: Realities, Repression, Rebellion and Culture. Solidarity is the nucleus that merged not only the photographic trade, but also the different Latin American communities, against social repression, always behind a Latin American lens of solidarity.
Includes: Rodrigo Moya, Camilo Luzuriaga, Patricio Guzmán, Sara Facio, María Cristina Orive, Alberto Díaz (Korda), Mario García Joya (Mayito), Roberto Salas, Eduardo Longoni, Jorge Macías, Omar Torres, José Gushiken,Héctor Méndez Caratini, María Marta Cremona, Ed Viggiani, Eduardo Simões, Antõnio Luiz Benck Vargas, Rolnan Pimenta, Enrique Villaseñor, Fernada María de Castro Paula, Ricardo Chaves de Leone, Eduardo Comesaña, Pedro Valtierra, Augusto Vázquez Enríquez, Luiz Abreu, Ricardo Cárcova, Luis M. Fernández (Pirole), Boris Kossoy, Evandro Teixeira, Felipe Ehrenberg, Gabriel Suárez Bayona, Ernesto Molina, Agustín Martínez Castro, Wilson Weber, Ramón Martínez Grandal, María Eugenia Haya (Marucha).
Rodrigo Moya, Juegos de guerra, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 1965
Omar Torres, Madres frente a la casa de gobierno, Argentina, 1982
Mario García Joya (Mayito), Sin título, Nicaragua, 1980
Patricio Guzmán, Víctor Jara, 1971
Imágenes: Archivo Centro de la Imagen, Fondo Consejo Mexicano de Fotografía