The Other Side of Images

Paolo Gasparini

26 de septiembre, 12:00 h

15 de noviembre

Galería López Quiroga

Horacio 714, col. Polanco, del. Miguel Hidalgo
Distrito Federal
T.: 5280 6218

Lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 19:00 h
Sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 h

This photographer knows that in the realm of the representable, you cannot do justice to continuity, just movement, barriers, pitfalls, interference, a skyscraper, a billboard, a wall, a viaduct, borders, impassable thresholds, horizons, passersby… stops along the way. His craft is based on this poignant attempt at overcoming the impossible: it is the reason behind his photomurals, audiovisual installations, montages and books—everything from Para verte mejor América Latina to Karakarakas. Paolo Gasparini’s will to represent is stubborn in his scopic drive to examine and reveal, in a discursive sense that borders on the epistemic, the connections that images entail, the excitement of the unsayable, history, memory, the not-so-obvious things in pictures that press against their surface, wanting and needing to show themselves—if this were a dream, it would be about the whole world instantly and simultaneously showing itself as correlatively and extensively present, both sides of it, here and now, in all its complexity and instability, exposed. | Victoria de Stefano

Paolo Gasparini, Camino de Oruro al cerro de Potos°, a 3900 m, Bolivia, 1991

Paolo Gasparini, Zapatistas, Zurich, 1981

Paolo Gasparini, Antes de develar la estatua, Los Angeles, 1997

Paolo Gasparini, Para verte mejor América Latina, Sao Paulo, 1972