10 de octubre, 12:00 h

06 de noviembre

Christian Albrecht, Diego Álvarez, Carlos Soto, César Urrutia

Acervo fotográfico de los vecinos de la colonia San Rafael

La Buena Estrella

Altamirano 88, col. San Rafael, del. Cuauhtémoc
Distrito Federal
T.: 6267 1606

Jueves, viernes y sábados de 15:00 a 20:00 h
f La Buena Estrella
i la_buena_estrella

As one of the first modern neighborhoods in Mexico City, considered so because of the grid plan of its streets, the colonia San Rafael was created in 1891. Since then the diversity of the trades, professions and social sectors that have coexisted in its streets have granted a unique liveliness to the lattice of its daily life. It is a special urban point of reference that will witness, before the architectural modifications and urban flux of the 21st century, the disappearance of its faces, constructions and lifestyles, ceding the way to new and different ones.

In this sense, Memory/06470 aims to show a photographic memory of the daily life of the colonia San Rafael based on photographs of a collection of images taken by its residents during the 20th century. The objective is to generate of a space to stimulate community relations, as well as to reflect on the new methodologies used to create collections and to highlight the function of these strategies in strengthening the cultural heritage of a community.


Imágenes cortesía de: La Buena Estrella