C/O Talents. Composed Memories

Iveta Vaivode and Emanuel Mathias

27 de agosto, 19:00 h

12 de noviembre

Ann-Christin Bertrand

Goethe-Institut Mexiko

Tonalá 43, col. Roma, del. Cuauhtémoc
Distrito federal
T.: 5207 0215

Lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 17:00 h

f Goethe-Institut Mexiko

The exhibition pavilion C/O Berlin has enriched the photographic and cultural scene in Germany and promoted young photographers in collaboration with the Goethe Institute through the competition, «Talents.» On this occasion we will present the work of Iveta Vaivode and Emanuel Mathias.

In 2011, the search for her roots led Vaivode to a place called Pilcene in Lithuana, a town she had never seen before, but in which her mother and grandmother grew up. Her intention was to breathe life into those memories that she could not create by herself. The people and the places the photographer discovered during her stay are part of her appropriation of the past.

Similarly, Mathias, originally from East Germany, works with the idea of memories. The artist compiled printed materials from daily life in the GDR, mainly from 1970 to 1980. To do this, he consulted the semiofficial newspapers that were archived in a cotton mill in Leipzig. Mathias presents the photographs from these newspapers in an autonomous way, removed from their original context. Through this historic revision, the artist questions the construction of the past and collective memory.

Emanuel Mathias

Iveta Vaivode

Vista de sala