Windows of Tlatelolco; from the series Tlatelolco Disproved

Adam Wiseman

11 de octubre, 20:00 h

30 de noviembre

Salón Malafama
Michoacán 78, col. Condesa, del. Cuauhtémoc
Distrito Federal
T.: 5553 5138

Domingo a miércoles de 13:00 a 00:00 h
Jueves a sábado de 13:00 a 01:00 h
f Salón Malafama
t @salonmalafama

Windows of Tlatelolco forms part of Tlatelolco Disproved, a series that creates interactive documentation through the actions and participation of residents at the Tlatelolco housing complex. It is an experimental, subjective, non-narrative documentary that does not reach any conclusions. It requires an interpretation by the spectator. Here, windows function as portraits. Metaphors, where the space inhabited provides a series of clues that allow us to construct an idea of the person or people living there. All the spaces are represented exactly the same way and the architecture is identical—like a scientific experiment in which a series of constants is respected so that the variables come to the fore.  Always interested in new ways of achieving the objectives of documentary language, Adam Wiseman breaks the rules of traditional documentary photography and demands the interactive participation of the subjects and the spectator.


Adam Wiseman, C–409

Adam Wiseman, F–1321

Adam Wiseman, D–1215

Adam Wiseman, E-119