Michael Kenna & Fernando Maquieira

Michael Kenna & Fernando Maquieira

09 de septiembre, 19:00 h

29 de octubre

Patricia Conde Galería
Lafontaine 73, col. Polanco, del. Miguel Hidalgo
Distrito Federal
T.: 5290 6345

Lunes a viernes de 11:00 a 18:00 h
Sábados de 12:00 a 16:00 h

f Patricia Conde Galería
t @PatriciaCondeGalería

As part of the FOTO MÉXICO festival, Patricia Conde Galería will present the work of Michael Kenna for the first time in Latin America. A renowned English artist, Kenna photographs landscapes in a minimalist and poetic way. His work stands out in its classic style: black and white images that provoke contemplation. The exhibition brings together more than thirty impeccably composed images from Kenna’s diverse travels around the world.

Along with this exhibition, a selection of the work of Fernando Maquieira will be on view from his series, Night Museum Guides, in which he photographs empty museums. Through this work, the Spanish artist aims to reveal what these spaces hold in their silence and darkness.

Michael Kenna, Snow on Pebbles, Toya Lake, Hokkaido, Japan, 2009 copia

Michael Kenna, Winter Seascape, Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan, 2004

Fernando Maquieira, El Prado