Gilad Ratman

Gilad Ratman

10 de octubre, 11:00 h

18 de octubre

Anuar Maauad

Casa Maauad

Altamirano 20, col. San Rafael, del. Cuauhtémoc
Distrito Federal

Previa cita
10–18 de octubre, 11:00 a 14:00 h
f Casa Maauad

Casa Maauad is a space for artistic production residencies in Mexico City. It acts as a meeting place for artists, curators, institutions, museums and galleries. With a focus on contemporary art, our goal is to support the development of artistic production, creating solid relationships among the invited artists and the local environment. Casa Maauad invites its residents to establish different exchanges throughout their stay, both on a personal level and through the production and exhibition of their work. On this occasion we are pleased to present the Israeli artist Gilad Ratman, who will carry out an ad hoc project during his residency in Casa Maauad. Ratman was selected to represent his country in an individual exhibition in the Israeli Pavilion during the 55th Venice Art Biennale and is currently working on an individual exhibition in the TRAFO Center of Contemporary Art in Poland.

Gilad Ratman, Five Bands from Romania, 2011-2015, Still from Video, Two-Channel video installation and a sound room, 14 min. Courtesy of the artist and Braverman Gallery, Tel-Aviv