Atemporal Transitory

Rayito Flores and Rogelio Séptimo

30 de octubre, 19:00 h

20 de noviembre

Galería La Mano Gráfica

Arciga 20, col. Centro, Pátzcuaro
T.: 01 (434) 342 5199

Jueves a domingo de 10:00 a 18:00 h
f La Mano Gráfica
i @lamanografica

Vladimir: Well? Shall we go?
Estragon: Yes, let's go.

[They do not move. Curtain.]
Samuel Beckett

In his play Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett uses the interaction of the characters as a symbol for the tedium and lack of meaning of modern life. He evinces an existential crisis through them, as they wait for someone of something that will never arrive. They wander, trapped in their own boundaries, in slightly different settings, confronted with the fact that, unintentionally, they have time to spare.

In this exploration, Atemporal Transitory is set in a rural area that evokes specific moments of the wait in Beckett’s play. Through self-representation, a small scene is articulated in the natural landscape, constructing a fictional universe in the viewer’s eyes. Rayito Flores and Rogelio Séptimo fragment and reconfigure absurd, implausible states, inviting spectators to decipher the symbolic presence of the wait suggested by the images themselves.


Rayito Flores y Rogelio Séptimo, Atemporal transitorio, 2014

Rayito Flores y Rogelio Séptimo, Atemporal transitorio, 2014

Rayito Flores y Rogelio Séptimo, Atemporal transitorio, 2014