In search of the lost unicorn: Pinhole photography workshop

Photo Linterna Mágica and Taller Panóptico

The participants will create photographs with cardboard cameras, allowing them to learn about how a photographic camera works and the formation of images.

As part of this activity, A47 Móvil will be transformed into a large format camera obscura, where the general public can experience what happens inside when light filters in.

The visit to the camera obscura will be open from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Public in general

Sábado 31 de octubre de 2015
10:00, 11:00, 12:00 y 13:00 h

1 hora

A47 Móvil at Centro de la Imagen (Plaza de la Ciudadela 2, Centro Histórico, México D.F.)