Parallel activities

Panel Discussion

Reveal & Detonate: Contemporary Mexican Photography

Centro de la Imagen, Fundación Televisa, Editorial RM, Hydra + Fotografía

Aula Magna José Vasconcelos at Centro Nacional de las Artes

November 23 – 25, 2015
16:00 – 20:00 h

Free entry. Limited space.

Centro Nacional de las Artes
Av. Rio Churubusco 79, col. Country Club, del. Coyoacán
Distrito Federal
T.: 4155 0000 ext. 1330
t @cenartmx

This panel discussion seeks to posit fundamental questions in the context of current photography in Mexico, based on the curatorial guidelines of the exhibition and book of the project Reveal & Detonate: Contemporary Mexican Photography.

In each session, two discussions will take place featuring the participation of the photographers involved in the exhibition, as well as visual artists, critics, researchers and guest curators.

Is it possible to generate models of sociability, identity and collective memory based on a photographic imaginary? Taking a stand means becoming aware. Strictly speaking, there are no absolute truths, so we must explicitly state certain conditions of experimentation in order to show the contradictory, unstable nature of any historical metamorphosis.

The symptomatic and the asymptomatic are enclosed in a singular time and space in the early twenty-first century, like a container (e.g. a museum, gallery, screen or publication) of images overflowing with meanings and intertextuality. The transformation, democratization and overproduction of photography have influenced our appropriation of territory, identity and experience. The notion of «the other» is one that is constantly shifting.

Photography is a constantly shifting and mutating medium that has allowed society to wrestle control of its time. It is a medium that eludes interpretations because of the speed at which it changes and adapts to the transformations of the society that produces and consumes it. How images are structured, shown and consumed keeps changing, and this leads to the emergence of non-conventional narratives, which in turn give rise to to new ways of conceiving reality.



Introduction to Animation: The Illusion of Movement and its Expressive Qualities

Instructor: Simon Gerbaud
November 9 – 13, 2015
Centro Multimedia, Cenart

The Immediacy of Experience

Instructor: Carlos León
January 11 – 15, 2016
Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado, "La Esmeralda"