We all have the right to forget, to let what is no longer useful drain away. To forget is to learn from pain. Experiences, whether good or bad, make us who we are, but bad experiences make us vulnerable.
Bad memories have two outlets: either justifying behavior that is hurtful, perpetuating the victimization, or teaching us not to repeat mistakes and not to feed the pain. This is what these videos are about.
→ Bio
Monterrey, 1975. Studied fine arts at the Universidad de Monterrey. She has taken various photography and video workshops, and was enrolled in the Programa de Fotografía Contemporánea 2011. Her work has been featured in the juried show Retratos de la justicia in Zacatecas (2010), the IV Bienal Regional de la Plástica Joven in Monterrey (2000) and at the Salón de la Fotografía in Monterrey (1999). In 2011 she completed her Progresión project about the conservation of photographic materials. She is currently the head of the Conservation Department at the Fototeca de Nuevo León.